I have always had the belief that
Nigeria, my beloved but bedevilled county will flourish again, even in the face
of utmost hopelessness. The events of the past three years in this Country has
really broken down the spirit of many of us that once had this patriotic zeal,
desire to see a Nigeria that we are proud to call our Country. Sometimes, I
have regrets like any human why I returned to Nigeria when I could have stayed
in the sane climate of UK,exploit the immense possibilities that could have
brought me comfort, pleasure and an easy life; but when I think deeply, search
inwardly to know why I am Nigerian, I hear a still voice of hope, very quiet
but reassuring , telling me that all hope is not lost. Many times I query in my
heart this voice because events that unfolds day by day contradicts my faith
and optimism. Sometimes, I feel like 'escaping' from this 'confinement ' called
Nigeria. Yes I may, I will, but for how long. No matter how successful I become
in Europe, America or Asia, where leadership is sane, human and humane, I will
always remain Nigerian. Even if my children get the 'Red' passports of UK, the
'Green' Card of the USA, it is just cosmetic-they are still Nigerians and
Africans (Note: Obama is just a rare case )
What is the way out of this 'hell'
operating in Nigeria ? How do we remove the yoke of poverty, depravation and
corruption that the few evil and corrupt 'Principalities have hung on us? How
do we redeem our dear Country from the political and aristocratic Vampires that
have sworn, even with blood that they will continually suck us dry, hand over
the remains to their children so that our children will also serve their
children? How do we redeem the future of our dear Children from this imminent
danger ?
My dear Countrymen, we have to
fight these political Gorgon Medusa. They are not going to just phase out, or
free us. These are evil men and women that have covenanted their souls to
Satan, and have offered Nigerian lives as sacrifice. Their hold on us is being
paid by the blood of the innocent. We have to wake up, and see the calibre of
enemies that we are fighting .If you don't know your enemy, then you can't
fight him adequately. At least, I have some
idea of the kind of evil men we are dealing with. These are men whose
conscience are dead, they feel no emotions when men, women, children are
butchered, murdered either by violence orchestrated by them or by the
monumental corruption they have perpetrated. These are men and women, known as
the political Elites, the Aristocrats, the Captains of Industries , the
'Shakers and Movers of the societies', the
'men of Timbre and Calibre'- they are the ones we erroneously call
'Prominent Nigerians'. These are highly diabolical, fetish and devilish men,
who have made covenants with demons, many of the covenants consummated by the
blood of innocent virgins, children , women and men, which they have spilled.
These are a fraternity of Vampires that
have no milk of kindness, no empathy or mercy for others. My dear Countrymen,
these are the Devil-incarnates that have constituted themselves as 'our common
Enemies', and have schemed themselves to political power. They are mainly found
in the PDP (being the largest congregation of political thieves in Africa),they
are found in the ACN, in the ANPP,in CPC,in all the political parties, in the
private sectors, in religious circle
etc. These are men and women that reap where they have not sown, they get
billions for doing nothing, they are professional looters and their scope of
work is to fleece Nigeria.
I have been thinking , how do we
get these evil people out ? Election in Nigeria is a fraud, and does not count
since these Vampires have corrupted every part of the electoral process-from
the Judiciary to INEC, and have recently found ways of getting some clergies on
their side. Do we use the Judiciary? That is another waste of time and
resources, as many of the men in wigs
are part of these Vampires. Protest ? Not really, as these cruel men have the
military might to crush, kill and wound those who engage in protests as we saw
in January 2012 protest. So what do we do?
We call for a Revolution ? I have never believed in a revolution in Nigeria
because it would be too bloody. Many innocent will be killed, and there are
great chances that these Vampire will escape with their families and loved
ones, leaving the masses to self destroy one another, since they have looted
enough to be able to afford private jets.
I have come to the conclusion that we have to invite
The Almighty through our conscious efforts of prayers, fasting and invoking the
curses of God as written in the scriptures upon these Vampires. For Nigeria to
be free, these corrupt and evil people that have over the years impoverished Nigerians and have aborted
the destiny of millions need to die, and
I mean every word of what I have said. Nigeria cannot be free as long as these
people are alive and allowed to call the shots. This is the time to pray that
God should release his Angel of judgement to visit the Nigerian political
,Aristocratic and Elitist space ,and execute immediate judgement on these
Vampires and their initiated children. I state categorically that as long as
this political class that has turned Nigeria to a scum are alive and not
brought to justice, Nigeria may not see the awaited Salvation. Some people have
to be wiped out by God , the threshing floor has to be cleansed, the political
stable purified-these occultists have to be sewn in pieces, vengeance taken on them. The land
has been defiled by the blood of the innocent which these Vampires have shed,
and in order to cleanse the land, their blood would have to flow. Justice and
Judgement without mercy should be brought upon them, and only The ALIGHTY can
do this. There needs to be a judgement on the corrupt political class, and this
judgement cannot be executed by our Judiciary because it is part of the Vampires,
this judgement cannot be brought about by election ,because elections in
Nigeria is a Fraud perpetrated by this corrupt political class to entrench
themselves and sustain their looting of the Country; this judgement cannot be
brought about by protest because these Vampires have learnt how to quell
protest using the Military and the police force; these judgement cannot be
brought about by a revolution because it would consume the nation, and Nigeria
would be lost in it
The time for the cleansing of the
political staple is now, the time for people who have looted the Country dry to
be severally punished is now, the time when divine annihilation and retribution
to be served on the political elites that have consciously forced Nigeria into
servitude is now. The urgency in the air for Nigeria to be freed from these
diabolical and cruel powers cannot be over-emphasized .There is a new strategy
to getting even with these principalities , there is a paradigm shift in bring
our enemies to justice. Fellow Nigerians, we have a common enemy, a class of
people, a fraternity of greedy and cruel monsters that have all the years
enjoyed the status quo.They are the people that have ensured that Nigeria never
know constant power supply so they can sell their generators, they are those
that have consciously sabotage the refineries so that they can keep importing
fuel, selling it at exorbitant prices; they are those that have ensured that
our roads have become dead traps for our citizens, they are those that have
ensured that our hospitals become mortuaries and our people die of preventable
diseases, they are those that have ensured that our educational system remain a
mockery in the midst of others while they send their children abroad and to
private schools, they are those that ensure that our Country remain viciously dysfunctional. They achieve these evil
machinations of their by embezzling the monies allocated for these services,
they achieve these by rigging elections and ensuring that the foolish ones rule
over the wise ones, they achieve these by their constant blood sacrifice and
oath with demons-these bastards do not deserve to live. They have cause enough
deaths, and it is time Nigerians rise up, not with arms or violence, not by
protest and rioting, but by calling on God's judgements/curses as written in
the Holy Scripture upon them. Fellow Countrymen, there is a judgement hanging
over the Nigeria political space, and we have to bringing it down now by our
unanimous agreement in prayers, fasting and invocation of written
judgements/curses in the Scripture. Our prayer mode has got to change. You have
no business praying for mercies for the Nigeria corrupt political and elitist
class, you have no business interceding on their behalf, by so doing you are
only extending your days of suffering. Any clergymen that ask you to intercede
or pray for these Vampires are not your friends; it is either such clergymen
are enjoying the proceeds of the loots from these kleptomaniac, or such clergy
are just innocently ignorant.
This is the time for us to rise
against these sons and daughters of Satan, it is time we stand up against these
heirs of Hell. Not by violent uprising, not by taking up of arms, not even by
going to Courts(because there is no justice in the present Nigerian judicial
system), not by militancy but by a new
strategy of invoking on a daily basis in our prayers the curses of the
Almighty. This method is a peaceful but
potent weapon. It is different from the past way we have been operating, it is
not the regular prayers we are asked to say in churches and Mosques for Nigeria
and its Rulers. We are switching over to another Mode. It is a Mode where we
pray for mercy for the Country Nigeria but we invoke curses and disaster on the
corrupt political and elitist class.
For those who understand the evil
and damage that these Vampires have caused Nigeria, they will appreciate my
point of reasoning. I postulate that it is better God wipe away these corrupt
and evil generations of political and
elitist class for the Country to know progress and prosperity than for us to
think we can have prosperity, peace vis-a-vis
these corrupt fraternity of Vampires alive...I feel no loss, and will
feel no loss for them when God begins to decimate their number. It will be a
good loss to the Nigeria project, and it will be a positive to the class of
progressives. The flood of judgement on our political class is about to begin.
Their idols, occults, the demons that they serve shall not be able to protect
them when The Almighty starts to put them to death; their covenant will death will be of no effect
because it would be annulled, their ill-gotten wealth, blood money made by
wilfully engineering the destruction and humiliation of Nigeria and Nigerians
would not help them. For some of them that have died without drinking the
fullness of the wrath of God, their children that are enjoying the loot shall
pay the price. Their iniquities shall be visited on their generations
Nigeria, your time of redemption is
near, the sword of judgement hangs upon
our corrupt political and elitist class like the sword of Damocles, their necks
have been laid to the slaughter slabs, their hands tied to the stake, the
slaughtering sword is glittering with a hunger-hunger for vengeance, hunger to
cleanse the land of innocent blood, hunger to give a just retribution to all
our corrupt political leader and elites, past and present, hunger to pass a
verdict on them....judgement, judgment is coming upon them..justice, justice
cries to be executed but there is an impediment, a hand is holding Judgment and
Justice from happening, an obstacle is preventing Judgement and Justice from being invoked-and
that is the silence of Nigerians. Nigerians , it is time we spend at least
2-5minutes every day calling on the Lord of the Harvest to send in His sickle into
the Nigerian political farm, and harvest the Vampires that have kept Nigeria
bound, it is time we request that the LORD of the harvest send his Grim Reapers
into the Nigeria political space to pluck out these looters that have feasted
on our commonweath,it is time we pray that the sword of God will be soaked in
the blood of these Vampires. Nigerians, it is time we pray for our Nation, it
is time we accelerate the judgement and the gathering for burning, of the
looters and corrupt officials that have stolen our heritage..this is not the
time for silence...your salvation is nearer than your think, it is closer than
we imagined .Despite this gloomy realities on ground, if we can pray
individually and/or collectively at home, in our offices, in our Churches and
Mosques-asking the Almighty to visit our politicians, government officials,
elites and demand for their stewardship of the resources they were/are
entrusted with, you will soon find out that the grin of their faces will turn
into a rough smirk.
I graciously implore Nigerians to
eschew violence but adopt this new strategy of bringing corrupt officials to
instant divine judgement. It shall come to pass that after God has begun the
annihilation of our common enemies, which are corrupt politicians and
government officials, that men would be afraid to take up political positions.
At that time only men that want to truly serve will vie for positions. The time
is coming that people will be persuaded before they join politic. After the
Almighty has cleanse the Nigerian political staple by literarily killing the
looters and corrupt ones ,only men that would only take what they are
constitutionally entitled to would take political positions-because,
afterwards, every act of looting and wilful corruption will be dealt with by
God, and men would paid the supreme sacrifice for looting and embezzlement
In concluding, I quote this
reassuring verses of the Holy Bible , Habakkuk 3:17-19
"Though the fig tree may not
Nor fruit be on the vines;
Thought the Labour of the Olive may
And the fields yield no food;
Though the flock may be cut off
from the fold;
And there be no herd in the stalls-
Yet I will rejoice in the LORD,
I will joy in the God of my
The LORD GOD is my strength;
He will make my feet like deer's
And He will make me walk on my high
Nigeria shall flourish again, and
it shall be in my life time, and all the
enemies of Nigeria shall be utterly destroyed.. Amen
NOTE: The portion of the Nigeria political and elitist class can be found
in Psalms 109:6-20
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